Saturday, March 30, 1991

In Cairo, Arab League meeting opens with introductory speeches; all 21 nation-members attend; pro-Western nations, particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, dismiss Iraq's justifications for occupying Kuwait and hint that they no longer regard PLO as sole representative of Palestinians [NYT, WP 3/31; MENA 3/20 in FBIS 4/1; CSM 4/1].

Palestinians in o.t. hold general strike to mark Land Day, but within Israel, Land Day strike is canceled for 1st time in years, underscoring political differences among Israel's 800,000 Arabs [NYT, WP 3/31; FJ 4/8; MET 4/9].

At news conference in Kuwait, GCC Sec.- Gen. announces member states have decided to cut financial aid to Jordan and PLO because of their Gulf war stands (cf. 4/1) [ADS 3/30 in FBIS 4/1; MET 4/9].

Palestinian military court in Sanaa sentences Hani Muhammad al-Hasan to death for the assassination of Abu Iyad on 16 January [MENA 3/30 in FBIS 4/2].