U.S. military begins to transfer responsibility to the UN for major Kurdish relief effort as separate violent incidents involving allies, Iraqi troops, and Kurdish demonstrators occur [MEM 5/13; WP, NYT, LAT 5/14].
Meeting in Cairo, Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh tells Sec. Baker that Moscow would be reluctant to support larger UN security role to protect Kurdish refugees [WP, NYT, LAT, MEM 5/14; MENA 5/13 in FBIS 5/13]. Bessmertnykh then flies to Saudi Arabia for meeting with King Fahd [SPA 5/13 in FBIS 5/14].
Washington Post reports on West Bank village of Artas, the villagers of which, while under curfew during the Gulf war, had most of their agricultural lands confiscated by Israeli authorities [WP 5/14].
Bush admin. has prepared arms control plan that would ban Israel from producing nuclear material for weapons and would require Arab nations in Middle East to give up chemical weapons, according to admin. officials [NYT 5/14].