Thursday, December 13, 1990

Federal District Court judges rule against 54 Democratic members of Congress who had sought an order forbidding Pres. Bush from going to war without first seeking con- gressional approval, but also rule Congress could force Bush to seek declaration of war if it chooses [NYT, WP 12/14].

Last U.S.-sponsored evacuation flight out of Iraq and Kuwait arrives in Frankfurt, carrying U.S. ambassador to Kuwait and 31 other Americans [AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; ADS, INA 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; NYT, WP 12/4; LAT 12/15].

American official says U.S. wants to keep some UN sanctions against Iraq in place even if Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; sanctions would continue to ensure Saddam "can't keep up his massive military machine" [NYT 12/14]; U.S. officials accuse Saddam of stalling on setting dates for talks [WP 12/14].

New York Times/CBS News poll finds 45% of respondents believe U.S. should start military actions against Iraq if it does not leave Kuwait by 1/15; 48% say U.S. should wait for sanctions to work; 62% say sending troops to Saudi Arabia was correct thing to do [NYT 12/14].

Concluding 2-day meeting, OPEC ministers in Vienna agree to maintain present production levels and reinstate production ceiling of 22.5 million barrels per day once Gulf crisis is over [IRNA, AFP 12/13 in FBIS 12/13].

French F.M. Roland Dumas says Iraqi pledge to leave Kuwait would not be enough to satisfy UN, but it could move Gulf crisis towards peaceful solution [MEM 12/14].

Tel Aviv military court convicts Col. Yaacov Sadeh of causing death by negligence of Palestinian teenager during clash 17 months ago [MEM 12/14].

Labor party leader Shimon Peres says P.M. Shamir's gov't. has moved into W. Bank and Gaza hundreds of new trailer homes imported to ease housing shortage [JTS 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MET 12/25].