Responding to 9/14 Iraqi move against French embassy in Kuwait, Pres. Mitterrand orders additional 4,000 soldiers and dozens of helicopters and tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/16; CMS 9/17].
Pres. Gorbachev tells Italian F.M. De Michelis that Moscow would be willing to discuss Iraqi grievances against Kuwait, but only after Saddam withdraws [WP 9/16].
American officials say U.S. will postpone plans to seek repeal of UN resolution equat- ing Zionism with racism at this year's Gen. Assembly so as not to imperil Arab support for embargo against Iraq and U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia [NYT 9/16].
Three-day "Conference on Arab Popular Movements" opens in Amman; attended by about 3,000 including 120 representatives of political organizations from 9 Arab countries (Egyptian and Syrian delegations reportedly prevented by their gov'ts from attending) (cf. 9/16, 9/17, 9/18) [MEM 9/13, 9/17; JTE 9/15 in FBIS 9/17, 9/18; CSM 9/17].
Meanwhile 5-day conference ends in Amman of Islamist leaders from Jordan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Algeria, and Turkey; Egypt reportedly prevented 7 top-level Islamist leaders from attending. Conference decides to send mediation team to Saudi Arabia and Iraq [MEM 9/17].
W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announces $2 billion aid package to support multinational forces in Gulf; says German constitution prevents him from sending troops [WP 9/16].
U.S. Air Force chief of staff Gen. Michael Dugan says in event of hostilities, American forces would employ massive bombing raids against Baghdad that specifically target Saddam Hussein and family, military centers, and power systems (cf. 9/17) [WP 9/16; FJ 9/24].