Thursday, May 31, 1990

Yasir Arafat says PLO's institutional and official forces had no connection with 5/30 attempted attack on Israeli beach; sees "no reason" U.S. should end dialogue with PLO; says he cannot expell Abul Abbas from PNC, as PLF leader was elected democratically [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 6/1; WAKH 5/31 in FBIS 6/1 AVP 6/1 in FBIS 6/4]; U.S. sends message to PLO, outlining actions State Dep't. wishes Arafat to take [NYT, LAT 6/1]; PLO representative Hakam Balawi meets in Tunis with U.S. ambassador Robert Pelletreau to discuss 5/30 attempted attack [KUNA 6/1 in FBIS 6/4].

U.S. vetoes UN Sec. Council resolution to send special commission of inquiry to O.T. (cf. 6/1) [WT 6/1, LAT 6/ 2].

Private Israeli security specialist, Lt.Col. Yair Klein, ret., is indicted on charges of illegally exporting military equipment to drug cartel in Colombia [WP, LAT 6/1].