Responding to Gorbachev's 6/3 statement, Yitzhak Shamir defends right of Soviet Jews to live in O.T., saying democracy cannot limit where people live [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 6/5]; Palestinians and other Arab officials welcome Gorbachev's statement [KUNA 6/4 in FBIS 6/6; NYT 6/5].
U.S. officials say they would like U.S.-PLO dialogue to remain open, but would suspend it if Arafat does not discipline Abul Abbas or condemn 5/30 attempted attack on Israel, U.S. also threatens to veto Arab calls to move UN Gen.Assembly to Geneva to hear Arafat speak; at the same time, U.S. decides to give Arafat more time to acquiesce [NYT, WP, WT 6/5]. Threat of loss of U.S.-PLO dialogue is causing little distress among Palestinian leaders [CSM 6/5].
Explaining recent PLO shift in diplomatic focus from Egypt to Iraq, PLO Exec. Committee member Abdullah Jourani says "maybe [then] the Americans will try to understand us better. Maybe they will try to understand we are not ready to surrender" [WP 6/5].
PLO receives from Iraq $25 million in urgent aid to support intifada over and above regular monthly aid from Iraq [WAKH 6/3 in FBIS 6/4].
April 1988 survey by Israeli sociologist Sammy Smooha, released today, finds that majority of Jews in Israel "regard the Israeli Arabs as a hostile minority...and their attitudes and behaviors not as a legitimate dissent but rather as subversion"; 57% of respondents favored denying Israeli Arabs right to vote in national elections [FJ 6/11].
Third Soviet-Arab dialogue conference opens in Moscow; discussions involve Soviet Jewish emigration [TASS 6/ 4].