Sunday, March 11, 1990

Israeli Cabinet fails to agree on whether to accept U.S. proposal for Israeli-Palestinian talks, Labor party leaders set stage for possible collapse of coalition by deciding to ask its Central Committee to authorize "whatever steps are necessary to advance the peace process" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 3/12; JDS 3/11 in FBIS 3/ 12].

King Hussein meets in London with P.M. Margaret Thatcher to discuss Middle East situation, particularly Soviet Jewish emigration [ADS 3/11 in FBIS 3/12].

Arab League foreign ministers in Tunis agree in principle to return Arab League headquarters to Cairo after 11-year absence (cf. 3/15) [NYT, WP, LAT 3/12; MENA 3/11 in FBIS 3/12].