Friday, March 16, 1990

Two small religious parties, Shas and Agudat Israel, suggesthey would not join Lidud-led coalition as long as Shamir is party leader [NYT 3/ 17]; Los Angeles Times reports growing pressure on Shamir to resign [LAT 3/17].

Senate Democratic Leader George J. Mitchell (D-ME) sharply attacks Pres. Bush for "heavy-handed blunder," that "contributed to the recent political crisis in Israel." Mitchell is referring to Bush's 3/3 statement [LAT 3/17].

In letter dated 3/16 from Sec. Baker to Rep. Mel Levine (D-CA), Baker softens U.S. stand on Israeli settlements in E. Jerusalem, writing "Clearly, Jews and others can live where they want, East or West, and the city must remain undivided" [NYT 3/13].

Arafat meets in Tunis with Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan, who spent 4 months in prison for previous meeting with Arafat [BVP 3/17 in FBIS 3/20].

Jimmy Carter arrives in Jordan from Syria for talks about Middle East [MET 3/27-4/2].

In London, King Hussein meets with PLO advisor Bassam Abu Sharif [WAKH 3/16 in FBIS 3/19].

Israeli military reports killing 3 Palestinians, allegedly DFLP members, inside Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon [MET 3/27-4/2].