Arab World: Arab League foreign ministers begin meetings in Tunis at request of Palestinians [FBIS 12/4].
Other Countries: FAO resolution endorsing PLO role in providing technical assistance to Palestinian farmers in O.T. and criticizing Israel's administration of O.T., is passed 96-2, with 14 abstentions; U.S. and Israel vote against it [NYT, WP 11/ 30; FJ 12/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot, kill 2 masked Palestinian stonethrowers in Jerusalem. 19 Palestinians are wounded by IDF gunfire in Gaza clashes [MET 12/12].
Strike to mark anniversary of UN resolution to partition Palestine is observed throughout O.T. [FBIS 11/29].
Leaflet issued in O.T. urges students to maintain discipline during exams. Similar leaflet was issued by Hamas on 11/28 [FBIS 11/30].
In Shati' camp, IDF troops shoot, wound 5 Palestinian children, aged 6 to 13. At least 5 other Palestinians are wounded in O.T. [FBIS 11/30].