Tuesday, December 5, 1989


Other Countries: Arab nations decide to defer action on UN resolution recognizing Palestinian state, yielding to U.S. warnings it would withhold funds if resolution was passed [NYT 12/6].

U.S. undersecretary for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs John Kelly meets with Shamir, Arens, and Peres to brief them on Malta summit. Later Kelly flies to Cairo to brief Mubarak [FBIS 12/5, 12/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army shoots, kills 5 Arabs crossing into southern Israel from Egypt through the Sinai [NYT, WP, FBIS 12/6; JP 12/16].

Ha'aretz reports IDF plans to build prison in Gush 'Ezyon area. The jail would hold 4,000 inmates [FBIS 12/5].

Arab World: 5 Palestinians are killed in Ayn al-Hulwah camp near Sidon when masked man opens fire in street [FBIS 12/7].