Sunday, May 21, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli prime minister Shamir threatens to resign if Likud does not supporthe proposed elections for O.T. [LAT 5/22]. Nur Shams enters 20th day under curfew [FBIS 5/22]. General strike is observed throughout O.T. [LAT 5/22]. Israel detains Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, spiritual leader of Hamas in Gaza [FBIS 5/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Abu Dis 16- year-old Palestinian is killed during clash with troops and at least 15 other Palestinians are wounded. In al-'Azariyah troops shoot, kill Palestinian youth [FBIS 5/22, FJ 5/29]. In Hebron troops open fire, wound 4 Palestinians. At least 25 Palestinians are shot throughout Gaza Strip [FBIS 5/22].