Monday, July 31, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin offers to trade Shayk 'Ubayd, other Shia prisoners for Western hostages and Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon [WP 8/1].

Other Countries: Bush administration deplores killing of Col. Higgins, states that Israel is not responsible [NYT 8/1]. Senate Republican leader Robert Dole accuses Israel of endangering U.S. lives [WP 8/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burayj camp soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian. Troops shoot, kill 12-year-old Palestinian in Balatah camp. At least 16 Palestinians are shot in Gaza Strip [FJ 8/7].

Arab World: Organization of the Oppressed of the World states that it has hanged U. S. Lt. Colonel William Higgins because Israel has refused to release Shaykh 'Ubayd; Another Lebanese group threatens to kill second American hostage [NYT 8/1, MET 8/8].