Thursday, June 2, 1988


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Four Israelis are found guilty of meeting with PLO representatives in Romania in 1986 [WP 6/3, NYT 6/3]. The Jerusalem Post reports that a group of former IDF senior officers and leading economists and academics is planning a campaign to convince the Israeli people of the need for territorial compromise [JP 6/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 18-year-old Jewish seminary student is shot, killed by Palestinian teenage girl in Jerusalem park around 2:00 am [NYT 6/3]. There are scattered disturbances throughout the occupied territories [LAT 6/4]. Troops use tear gas and live bullets to break up the funeral of an 11-year-old boy killed in Tulkarm 6/1; clashes spread throughout the city. In 'Attil two women are shot and all males over 16 are rounded up for interrogation [FJ 6/5]. In Khan Yunis a Palestinian home is destroyed by authorities [FJ 615].