Wednesday, August 19, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres announces Israel and U.S.S.R. have agreed to establish normal political contacts [LAT 8/20]. Rafael Eitan, former Defense Ministry official involved in Pollard spy case, says he acted with approval from his superiors [CSM, NYT 8/20]. Doctors at Gaza Strip hospitals strike to protest dismissal of Dr. al-Agha from Nasir Hospital on political grounds [FJ 8/23]. Nazareth's weekly political newspaper al-jamahir is ordered closed on charges that it is supported by the PFLP [FJ 8/23]. Two Arabs are injured by Jewish youths in Baqa al-Gharbiyyah [FJ8/23].

Arab World: Hashim 'Ashayir, head of waqf in Jerusalem, travels to Amman for meetings with Jordanian officials [FJ 8/23].

Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm Ambassador William Eagleton will return to Damascus 9/1 [WP 8/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew at Jabaliyyah refugee camp is relaxed, allowing residentso go to work [FJ 8/23].

Arab World: Near Marja'uyun inside Israel's S. Lebanon security zone, 4 SLA members are injured by land mine explosion [FJ 8/23]