Saturday, June 6, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Between 70 and 100 Jewish settler vigilantes raid Dahayshah refugee camp, vandalizing homes, cars and attacking camp residents, who charge soldiers in camp did nothing to prevent violence [WP 6/9; FJ 6/14]. Israeli soldiers open fire on demonstrators at Abu Dis College of Science and Technology, wounding 1 student; student protesters at Hebron University clash with Israeli troops [FJ 6/7].

Other Countries: Israeli reports indicate U.S. court has agreed to postpone hearing on subpoena of Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman involved in U.S. arms sales to Iran [BS 6/7]. Former USS Liberty crewmen gather in Washington for memorial service marking 20th anniversary of Israeli bombing of ship, call for new investigation of attack [PI 6/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops join in late night attack on Amal patrol 6 miles north of security zone; 2 Amal fighters killed, 3 wounded [PI 6/8].