Thursday, June 25, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir makes unannounced visit to Gaza [JP 6/26]. Reports indicate armed Palestinian cell in Balatah camp has been discovered and its members arrested [FJ 6/28]. Israeli authorities seal homes of 3 Jericho families, leaving 46 homeless [FJ 7/5]. Israel sends accounts of financial transactions connected with the Iranian arms sales to U.S. congressional com. investigating the affair [NYT 8/1].

Other Countries: U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, chairman of Senate com. investigating Iran-contra affair, reveals Israel has agreed to provide chronologies of its role in the arms sales to Congress [CSM 6/26]. U.S.S.R. invites PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to Moscow [BG 6/26].