Wednesday, July 29, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres attacks statement by Deputy Defense Minister Michael Dekel suggesting transfer of W. Bank Palestinians to Jordan [NYT 7/31]. Israel gives U.S. congressional com. investigating Iran-contra affair 60-page chronology of Israel's role in the affair during 1985; a 2d chronology is being prepared detailing Israel's activities in 1986 [NYT 8/1]. Gaza military court orders 14 years imprisonment and 10 years suspended sentence in case of Mahmud Tawfiq Muslih charged with membership in Fateh and reporting oncollaborators [FJ 8/2]. In Khan Yunis, 2 boys are killed, 7 wounded when a grenade they find explodes [FJ 8/2]. Members of W. Bank village leagues apply to form Palestinian-Jordanian pro-confederation party [FJ 8/2].