Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Ramallah burn tires and throw stones at IDF patrols. Gaza confrontation results in wounding of 1 soldier and 1 protester [FJ 4/19]. Lydda military court hands down 20-year sentence in case of Shakir Mustafa 'Ayyash, convicted of planting bombs in Tel Aviv in 1979 [FJ 4/19]. Jerusalem's al-Ibrahimiyyah College and Gaza's Islamic U. suspend classes until 4/18 to protest harassment of universities in occupied territories [FJ 4/19]. Bethlehem U. ordered closed until 4/22 [FJ 4/19].
Arab World: Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) announces PLO decision to abandon pact with Jordan and instead form wider accord with Arab governments [NYT 4/15]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak says PLO decision to cancel Amman accords reduces chance for international Middle East peace conference in 1987 [SG 4/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian troops reach Awwali River in S. Lebanon [BG 4/16].