Occupied Palestine/Israel: John Cardinal O'Connor visits the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque and meets with Pres. Herzog at the president's mansion [NYT 1/6; WP 1/5]. U.S. defense official arrives in Tel Aviv in an effort to persuade Israel to drop American-funded Lavi project in favor of a less expensive warplane [WP 1/5]. Interior Affairs Minister Peretz resigns rather than obey court order requiring him to register an American convert as a Jew [PI 1/5].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli helicopters attack Khirbat Silim and Qabrikha, believed to be Hizballah bases, as Israeli armored vehicles mass near Bint jubayl. Reports list at least 15 villagers killed or wounded [WP, LAT 1/5]. Palestinian statement says Amal-PLO battles have destroyed more than 85% of Shatila and 50% of Burj al-Barajinah [WP 1/5].