Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of W. Bank Jews and W. Bank Palestinians gather in Sur Bahir to protest Israeli government's plan to uproot Arab olive trees on government expropriated land [NYT 2/11; FJ 2/13]. Abba Eban, chair of Knesset panel investigating U.S.-Israel-Iran arms deals, acknowledges Israel first put U.S. in touch with Iranian radicals [WP 2/11]. Amal militia indicate negotiations with Israel are underway; P. M. Shamir says Israel would deal with terrorists in some cases if demands were made through official channels, not the media. Defense Minister Rabin indicates Israel may require the release of 6 Israeli servicemen missing in Lebanon [WP 2/11].
Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports W. Germany is likely to try Muhammad 'Ali Hamadi on explosives charges before formally deciding whether to extradite him to the U.S. [CSM 2/10]. Kenyan woman arrested in Los Angeles 15 days ago on charges of overstaying her visa is accused of subversive activities linked to PFLP [LAT 2/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah U. students defy closure order, hold small demonstration on campus. Balatta curfew is lifted; residents gather to demonstrate but disperse peacefully when confronted by Israeli troops armed with tear gas and machine guns. Ramallah secondary school students march through city in support of those injured during 1/9 al-Najah and Balatta protests. Pres. of Hebron University receives official warning following student march outside campus. Secondary school students in Gaza City boycott classes, stone Israeli troops. Estimated 100 youths are taken into detention after late night raid by Israeli troops; military spokesman says youths are suspected of inciting demonstrations and threatening army collaborators [FJ 2/13].