Wednesday, May 21, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives of EEC countries are summoned to Israeli Foreign Ministry and told they will be supporting terrorism if imminent meeting in Tunis between Dutch Foreign Minister Hans van den Broek and PLO Chairman Arafat takes place [LT 5/21]. Muhammad Ahmad Tus of Jaba, leader of group that killed 5 Israelis and wounded 16, is given life sentence by military court UP 5/23]. P.M. Peres proposes in the Knesset tripartite summit with Hussein and Mubarak, opposes dismantling of Jewish settlements in the territories apart of a future peace plan. Forty Jewish families abandon settlement near Jericho due to bankruptcy [JP 5/22].

Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli envoy Ezer Weizman asks U.S. Secretary of State Shultz to return to active role in peace process, particularly to help improve Israeli-Egyptian relations [NYT 5/22].