Sunday, June 1, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli cabinet appoints Yosef Harish, a district court judge, as attorney general, removing Yitzhak Zamir, who had opposed cabinet by ordering investigation of Shin Bet Chief Avraham Shalom. Investigation order is suspended. Israel Radio says Zamir found evidence showing Shalom ordered 2 Palestinians clubbed to death after they were arrested for attack on Israeli bus [NYT 6/2]. Harish favors secret investigation into Shin Bet case [LT 6/3]. Jerusalem District Electric Company workers strike over nonpayment of salaries. The East Jerusalem utility owes $12 million to Israel Electric Corp., which has refused to approve payment of salaries; JDEC's property attached in court UP 6/2]. Three Palestinians and 1 Tunisian are formally charged with membership in Fateh organization in Israeli military court in Lydda; the 4 were captured on 3/29 when the Israeli navy intercepted their vessel heading from Syria to Lebanon [FJ 6/6].

Arab World: Four hundred Fateh dissidents elect 'Atallah 'Atallah, former Jordanian army officer also known as Abu Za'im, as commander in chief [MG 6/2]. PLO military deputy Khalil al-Wazir calls election "theatricals" and "illegal" [BG 6/2].

Military Action

Arab World: Cease-fire in south Beirut negotiated by Algeria and Iran fails after a few hours. Estimated dead by now 55, and 348 wounded since 5/19 [BG 6/2]. Israeli forces raid Habbaniyeh in Lebanese "security zone" and pound Nabatiyah-Arab Salim-Jarjuh axis [OJ 6/2].