Sunday, March 23, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign Minister Shamir, due to take place in October [NYT, MG 3/24].

Arab World: East Jerusalem newspaper al-Mithaq reports Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad has outlined terms under which he would be willing to begin dialogue with Fateh organization: (1) PLO must issue statement in Arafat's name praising Syrian army's role in 1982 Lebanon war; (2) statement must contain apology for media campaign PLO has conducted against Syria since its evacuation from Beirut; (3) statement must praise Syria's rejection of "capitulatory" solutions to M.E. conflict, affirm Syria's efforts to prevent cantonization of Lebanon; (4) statement must criticize "reactionary" Arab efforts to pressure PLO to accept UN Security Council Resolution 242 [JP 3/24]. Yasir Arafat states it is up to the U.S. to break the deadlock in M.E. peace efforts that followed the collapse of Jordanian efforts to bring the Palestinians into the talks with Israel [BG 3/24]. Arafat states he has sent new proposals for a M.E. peace settlement to the U.S., awaits a response [PI 3/24].