Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset committee Israel has agreed to substitution by U.S. of condition that PLO recognize Israel's right to exist with the condition that PLO agree to direct negotiations with Israel (1 of 3 U.S. conditions for PLO participation in talks; others are renunciation of terrorism and acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338) [JP 11/19]. P.M. Peres states Israel would agree to Soviet participation in intl. M.E. peace conference if Moscow would allow free emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [CT 11/19]. Former head of Israeli civil administration on the West Bank Menachem Milsen urges U.S. Jewish groups to establish aid programs for West Bank Palestinians to encourage moderate leaders there [JTA 11/19]. Israeli High Court rejects petition by MK Meir Kahane that he be allowed to table two bills which would limit rights of non-Jews and ban sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews [JP 11/19].
Other Countries: Four Palestinians accused of hijacking Achille Lauro are convicted, along with 5th man arrested in Genoa before the ship sailed, on preliminary charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives [WP, LAT 11/19].