Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police arrest 3 militant Jewish nationalists who attempt to raise Israeli flag in the Haram al-Sharif [NYT, WP 1/10]. State of Israel Bond Organization announces it received a record $505 million in 1985 [JW 1/10]. Palestinian convicted of killing Israeli soldier in Hebron 4 months ago is sentenced to life imprisonment [JP 1/10].
Arab World: Syrian Nafi' Fu'ad Hasan, also convicted of spying for Israel, is hanged in public in Damascus, one day after his brother was executed on same charges [LT, JP 1/10]. Islamic Conference Organization passes resolution condemning U.S. sanctions against Libya, calling on Muslim countries to counter them [NYT 1/10].
Other Countries: Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN jeane Kirkpatrick has been named recipient of $100,000 award from Miriam Klein Foundation for demonstration of "commitment to the survival of the Jewish people" [PI 1/9].