Wednesday, January 22, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A senior Israeli official states P.M. Peres has proposed negotiating a settlement with Palestinian mayors in the occupied territories [CT 1/24]. Minister of Trade and Commerce Ariel Sharon and Time magazine reach out-of-court settlement in libel suit Sharon filed under Israeli law; Time apologizes, pays undisclosed amount of money [NYT, WP 1/23]. Israeli govt. agrees in principle to return $51 million to help U.S. meet budget cuts [JP 1/23].

Arab World: Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee set up by the 46-member Islamic Conference Organization meets in Morocco at request of Yasir Arafat, appeals for support in preventing further Israeli disruptions at Islamic shrines in East Jerusalem [JP 1/22; LT 1/23].

Other Countries: Security Council debates Moroccan, UAE resolution on "The Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories" in wake of confrontations at Haram al-Sharif; Egypt states Israel "must" withdraw from East Jerusalem, Palestinians in West Bank must have right to self-determination, Saudi Arabia warns of "wrath of hundreds of millions of Muslims" if "aggressions" continue [JP 1/22; JTA 1/23].