Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Meron Benvenisti of the West Bank Data Base Project as stating only minute fraction of 130,000 dunums purchased by Israelis in West Bank is properly registered. Most land is not registered but held on the basis of irrevocable powers-ofattomey granted by the sellers [JP 8/23]. Ram Ron, managing director of Israeli National Coal Supply Corporation, travels to London for talks about new five-year agreement with Britain to supply up to 500,000 tons of coal from the UK's National Coal Board to the Israeli electricity industry [Fl 8/23].
Arab World: Egypt's leading opposition party paper al-Sha'b reports Israeli Academic Center in Cairo is a front for Israeli and American espionage. Prof. Shimon Shamir, founder and the first director of the center, vehemently denies the charge [JP 8/23].
Military Action
Arab World: Shelling continues in Beirut but eases as Syrian-sponsored cease-fire is implemented. 21 are killed and 89 wounded. Beirut airport reopened after 2-day closure. [CT 8/23, LAT 8/24].