Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset votes to deny MK Kahane parliamentary immunity and freedom of movement [LAT 12/26]. Kahane later stopped by police from entering Arab town of Taibe [LAT 12/27]. After Police Min. Bar Lev refuses to ban march, several dozen Herut "Young Guards" converge on Iskal, village of MK Abd al-Wahab Darousha, to demand punishment for his attempt to attend PNC; villagers, Israeli activists form counter demonstration [JP 12/19]. WZO official says no new settlements will be built without "clear decision," funding by govt. [JP 12/19].
Arab World: Al-Qabas (Kuwait) reports US State Dept. official Murphy met with Palestinian "close to the PLO" during recent trip to Amman; urged "mutual recognition" between PLO, Israel as precondition for US recognitionf PLO [JP 12/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb defused opposite Israeli police HQ, E. Jerusalem [FJ 12/21].
Arab World: IDF arrests 21 villagers from Sarafand, 'Ain al-Hilweh, S. Lebanon. SLA position in Killa, S. Lebanon fired upon [JP 12/19].