Sunday, September 23, 1984


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jnaid inmates begin hunger strike against poor prison conditions. Israeli govt. imposes additional taxes up to 2% on private cars, boats, aircraft, business inventories, commercial bldgs. and equipment. Finance Min. Modai announces plan to cut basic food and fuel subsidies.

Arab World: 3 US Navy vessels arrive off Beirut as US Asst. Sec. of State Murphy arrives to investigate embassy annex bombing (9/20), then leaves for official visit to Damascus.

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanese resistance forces ambush IDF patrol near al-Rihan village, S. Lebanon; IDF patrol kills 3 suspected assailants. 5 commandos in rubber dinghy attack IDF post at Awali River bridge; 6 Israelis injured, 3 commandos killed by IDF tank fire, 2 captured.