Friday, November 9, 1984


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach-member Yehuda Richter gets 5-yr. prison term for attack on Palestinian bus (3/4/84). Jerusalem Mayor Kollek & police chief Bar Lev attempt compromise with Supreme Muslim Council to avoid strike in protest at presence of unruly border guards at al-Haram al-Sharif. Davar reports Israel negotiating to buy 1st nuclear reactor for energy use. [Israel already has at least 2 reactors; uses are not publicized.] Govt. bars 5 witnesses named by Time magazine from testifying in imminent Sharon libel case.

Arab World: Voice of PLO (Baghdad) condemns US policy, raps Arab-Americans for misguidedness inbelieving they can effect neutral US role in Arab-Zionist conflict.

Other Countries: US federal jury awards Vanessa Redgrave $100,000 in suit against Bostom Symphony canceling her performance on basis of her support for PLO.