Military Action:
IDF jets attack, destroy Syrian anti-aircraft missile battery in Dahr el-Baydar east of Bhamdoun; PLO leader Hawatmeh visits PLO forces in Bekaa; Gemayel visits multinational troops in Beirut; 70 more weapons dumps confiscated by Lebanese Army in past two days.
Casualties: IDF says less than 3,000 people were killed in battle for Beirut (80 percent PLO guerrillas or other armed groups); French soldiers check for mines in old market of Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli parliament rejects Reagan proposals (Begin says US plan would repartition Israel, Shamir says US has disturbed peace process, Knesset votes 50-36 to endorse Begin's opposition to plan); Knesset debates conduct of war (Labor Party leader Bar-Lev says invasion was first war not essential to peace or Israeli security); Peace Now holds protest opposing war in front of Knesset.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO demands Israel supply list of its prisoners in return for allowing ICRC access to 8 IDF soldiers captured. Phalange surprised at and resents Sharon declaration that Israel will impose own special security arrangements on Lebanon if peace treaty not forthcoming; East Beirut celebrates exit of PLO forces; Lebanese deny plans for Gemayel to try Haddad for collaborating with Israelis; Gemayel advisers tell 4 Israeli Knesset members visiting Beirut that no early treaty with Israel possible (treaty raises fears of Arab boycott).
Arab Governments: Arab peace plan nears readiness at Fez talks (Syria pullout agreed if IDF forces withdrawn).
US and Other Countries: US expresses concern over IDF raid; Reagan and advisers meet over plans to seek removal of all foreign troops from Lebanon, announce Habib will return to Lebanon for Gemayel swearingin and that US Marines will be withdrawn beginning in 2 days.