Sunday, December 13, 2020

In the West Bank, Israeli settlers set fire to olive fields, burning more than 100 olive trees near Yatta. Israeli settlers also attacked Palestinian shepherds near Susiya. Israeli forces shot and injured 2 Palestinian minors, using live ammunition, during a raid in Tulkarm. Israeli forces also seized a Palestinian-owned bulldozer near Yatta. Elsewhere, Israeli forces delivered stop-work orders for 3 houses in Qaryut. 5 Palestinians were arrested, including 3 during raids in Tulkarm, al-‘Izzariya, and Abu Dis; 2 were arrested at checkpoints in Bethlehem and Nablus. In Gaza, Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinian shepherds east of Khuza‘a and Bayt Hanun; no injuries were reported. (WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 12/13; PCHR 12/17)

PA president Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Qatar for an official 2-day visit. (WAFA 12/13)

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said during a speech that while Hamas considers the PA’s decision to resume cooperation with Israel “an intense barrier” to achieving reconciliation, it was ready to resume reconciliation talks. (AJ 12/14)

Haaretz reported that Israeli police requires internet and phone providers to give them access to all user data, essentially allowing the police to monitor all activity by users of Israeli internet and phone providers. (HA 12/13)