Despite a Greek ban on vessels heading to Gaza to discourage the Freedom Flotilla II, the U.S. activists’ boat The Audacity of Hope attempts to leave port but is detained by the Greek coast guard. In the West Bank, the IDF bars Palestinian farmers fr. working a 60-d. plot of agricultural land nr. Susia settlement; patrols in 4 villages nr. Jericho, Qalqilya, and Ramallah during the day. A Palestinian who was shot by the IDF when he apparently failed to heed orders to stop at a checkpoint nr. Hebron on 1/20/11 dies of his injuries in Israel’s Hadasah Hospital. Palestinians (sometimes accompanied by Israeli and international activists) hold weekly nonviolent demonstrations against the separation wall, land confiscations, and settlement expansion in Kafr Qaddum nr. Qalqilya, Ni‘lin, and Nabi Salih. IDF soldiers fire rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades at the protesters, injuring 2 Palestinians and accidentally starting a fire that burns 200 beehives and 150 olive trees nr. Kafr Qaddum. (NYT, WP 7/2; WP, WT 7/4; PCHR 7/7; OCHA 7/8)
Friday, July 1, 2011