In Gaza, scattered Fatah-Hamas skirmishes continue throughout the day (including in Bayt Lahiya, Gaza City), leaving at least 2 Palestinians dead, 10 wounded. Fatah, Hamas officials meet for a 2d day and order their mbrs. once again to observe a truce, withdraw forces fr. the streets, dismantle impromptu checkpoints, but there is no sign of a return to barracks by nightfall. Fatah accuses Hamas of kidnapping around 40 of its mbrs. in recent days, including the nephew of Fatah strongman Dahlan, abducted today in Khan Yunis. Meanwhile, the IDF conducts arrest raids, house searches in Qalandia; raids municipal offices in Bir Nabala n. of Jerusalem, confiscating the land register, computers, financial records, seals, checkbooks. A Palestinian dies of injuries received during an IDF raid on Bayt Lahiya on 11/21. (NYT, WP 2/4; MM, NYT 2/5; OCHA 2/7; PCHR 2/8)
Saturday, February 3, 2007