The IDF assassinates senior Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades mbr. Sa‘ad Arabid (whom Israel tried to kill in 8/01), firing missiles at his car as he drives through Gaza City, also killing his bodyguard, a 3d Hamas mbr., 4 bystanders, injuring 53 Palestinians. Undercover IDF troops fatally shoot wanted Palestinian Badir Yasin in Salfit in what may be an assassination. The IDF also fires on residential areas of Silwan; demolishes 1 Palestinian home in Nablus. Inside Israel, a number of knife-wielding AMB mbrs. reportedly attack, wound 2 Israeli security guards outside Kibbutz Metzer, escape. (GS, HA, PM 4/8; ITV, VOI, XIN 4/8 in WNC 4/9; HA, LAW, MM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 4/9; Interfax, QA 4/9 in WNC 4/10; LAW, PCHR, PM 4/10; QA 4/10 in WNC 4/11; MEI 4/18)
Tuesday, April 8, 2003