In the U.S., as many as 20 hijackers commandeer 4 commercial jets bound from east coast airports to California. Minutes apart, 2 planes hit the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City, destroying the twin towers and killing possibly 1,000s of people. Within an hr., the 3d plane hits the Pentagon in Washington, killing up to 200 people, and the 4th plane crashes in w. Pennsylvania, killing all aboard. Bush vows retaliation, saying, "We will make no distinction between those who committed these acts and those who harbored them." Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), a mbr. of the Senate intelligence comm. claims that the U.S. intercepted reports by associates of Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden saying they had hit 2 targets; another intelligence official says, however, that the information was not so definitive. Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the PA, Hamas, Afghanistan's ruling Taliban immediately condemn the attacks. (ATL, MENA 9/11 in WNC 9/12; JT 9/11, DUS, ITAR-TASS, JT, QA, al-Quds, al-Ra'i 9/12 in WNC 9/13; HP, MM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 9/12; AFP, HA, WJW 9/13; WP 9/15; MENA 9/16 in WNC 9/17; JP 9/21; JP, MEI 9/28)
Hopes for an Arafat-Peres mtg. fade as Israel steps up its attack on Jinin. Before dawn, IDF tanks encircle the town, cut electricity, shell residential areas of Jinin and a nearby refugee camp, killing 2 Palestinians. A 3d Palestinian is fatally shot when the IDF opens fire on a taxi in Gaza. The IDF also shells areas of Gaza City, hitting 2 factories, a PSF office. Palestinian snipers fatally shoot 2 IDF soldiers nr. Tulkarm. Israel's Jerusalem Municipality demolishes 3 Palestinian homes in Bayt Hanina, issues demolition orders for another 5 houses. (AP, BBC, LAW, MM, NYT, WP 9/11; MEZ, NYT, WP 9/12; LAW 9/20; MEI 9/28)