Saturday, June 16, 2001

In Rafah, 1 Palestinian boy is killed, 3 are injured when PSF officers, Palestinian citizens try to prevent several Palestinian gunmen fr. firing on Israeli positions. In Gaza, 5 Palestinian stone throwers are wounded by IDF gunfire; the IDF says it was using nonlethal "crowd dispersal methods" in keeping with the cease-fire agmt. Palestinian traffic is reportedly moving freely inside Gaza, but in the West Bank, Israel has eased closures on Hebron, Jericho, Jinin only. (NYT, WP, WT 6/17; NYT, WT 6/18; MM 6/28)

In Göteborg, Sweden, the EU Ms issue a declaration on the situation in the Middle East, urging Israel and the PA to implement the Tenet cease-fire plan, on Israel to suspend settlement construction and end the siege on Palestinian population centers. (AP 6/17; MM 6/18)