Thursday, May 10, 2001

Israeli-Palestinian clashes continue. A critically ill Palestinian dies when the IDF bars his transportation through a checkpoint to a hospital; a 2d Palestinian dies of injuries received earlier. In retaliation for the death of 2 Rumanian workers on 5/9, the IDF shells Gaza City, targeting and severely damaging Fatah and PSF offices, the PA Transportation Min., PSF central prison, injuring 5 PSF officers, 8 civilians. The IDF also shells residential areas of Rafah; bulldozes 2 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 200 dunams of agricultural land in al-Qarara; surrounds 15 Palestinian homes (occupied by 150 people) nr. Kefar Darom settlement with barbed wire, barring any entry or exit to the area for 7 hrs. In Hebron, Jewish settlers severely beat 3 Palestinians (ages 9, 27, 54). (AFP [Internet], LAW, MEZ, PCHR 5/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/11; Interfax, QA 5/11 in WNC 5/14; HP 5/12; PCHR 5/17; LAW, MEI 5/18; JP 5/25)

U.S. Secy. of State Powell praises the Mitchell Comm.'s preliminary report, says it could become the basis of a peace initiative. (HA, NYT, WP 5/11)

The House votes (252-165) to pass an amendment to the foreign operations budget that would withhold $244 m. in UN arrears slated for payment in 2002 unless the U.S. regains it seat on the UNCHR.  (NYT, WP, WT 5/11; MM 5/14) (see 5/3)