Monday, August 23, 1999

PA chief negotiator, Local Government M Saeb Erakat says that Israel, the PA have agreed to begin construction on Gaza port on 10/1, open a 2d safe-passage route on 1/1/00. Israel also announces that it will lower the minimum age for Palestinian laborers seeking to enter Israel fr. Gaza fr. 25 to 21. The sides also reportedly reach an agmt. on safe passage. (MM, WT 8/24; JP 9/3)

Jordan, Israel inaugurate the new Japan-financed Shaykh Husayn Bridge crossing in n. Jordan. (RJ 8/23 in WNC 8/24)

In Cairo, Arafat, Hawatimah agree to set aside their differences over the Oslo process, work for a united Palestinian position in talks with Israel. (MENA 8/23 in WNC 8/24; NYT, WP, WT 8/24; MEI 9/3; al-Quds 10/ 14 in WNC 10/18) (see 8/22)

Israeli military delegation leaves for Ankara to discuss Turkey's aid needs in light of the recent earthquake, its ability to pay for defense deals with Israel, which are valued at 100s of millions of dollars. (MA 8/23 in WNC 8/24)