Monday, February 23, 1998

Pres. Clinton accepts in principle the new terms of the agmt. reached btwn. the UN and Iraq, but reserves "the unilateral right to respond" if Iraq does not adhere to requirements. U.S. will maintain current level of forces in the region indefinitely. Although Joint Chiefs chmn. Gen. Henry Shelton says the military is pleased "to see the cup pass. . . . We had a tough time seeing where this thing was going to take us." Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), who has led the call in Congress for a military overthrow of Saddam Hussein, accuses Clinton of having "subcontracted" U.S. foreign policy to the UN. (MM 2/23; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/24; JT 2/24 in WNC 2/26; WT 2/25; NYT, WT 3/2)

PM Netanyahu proposes Israel, the PA hold Camp David-style summit under U.S. auspices to discuss "core issues" in the stalled peace process. (WT 2/24; La Libre [Brussels] 2/25 in WNC 3/3)

PISMC cochairs meet in Jericho. (IGPO 2/23; WJW 2/26; PR 3/6) (see 2/18)

Federal judge in Manhattan jails Abdelhaleem Ashqar, a Palestinian in the U.S. on a student visa, for refusing to testify before a secret grand jury investigating Hamas fundraising in the U.S. No further information is available as all documents in the case are sealed. (NYT 4/18)

1 SLA mbr. is injured in a clash with Hizballah in s. Lebanon. (IDF Radio 2/23 in WNC 2/26)