Tuesday, March 3, 1998
Pres. Clinton meets with VP Gore, Secy. Albright, NSA Berger, special envoy Dennis Ross, Asst. Secy. of State for Near East Affairs Martin Indyk to discuss "new thinking" to revive peace process now that Iraq crisis has passed. (MM 3/4)
World Likud Chmn. Zalman Shoval, fmr. Israeli amb. to Washington, says that PM Netanyahu has enlisted him to start a "information campaign" targeting U.S. public opinion to lobby U.S. not to press Israel to make an FRD. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4) (see 3/2)
Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Yasin arrives in Saudi Arabia. (MM 3/31; MM 4/9; WT 5/4)
In s. Lebanon, 1 Lebanese civilian is injured during IDF air strike on Hizballah target. (WT 3/4)