Sunday, May 10, 1998

In 3d mtg. with U.S. envoy Ross, PM Netanyahu presents proposal for an "escrow" arrangement for FRD (see Peace Monitor). After presenting the idea to PA officials, who reject it, Ross returns home, having made no progress. (IDF Radio, ITV 5/10, IDF Radio, Les Echos [Paris] 5/11 in WNC 5/12; WP, WT 5/11; CSM, NYT 5/12)

PM Netanyahu does not raise U.S. FRD proposal, Washington invitation for discussion in weekly cabinet mtg. (WP, WT 5/11) (see 5/6)

DM Mordechai appoints Maj. Gen Shaul Mofaz over Maj. Gen. Matan Vilnai to replace Lt. Gen. Amnon Shahak as IDF chief of staff. Netanyahu openly preferred Vilnai but would not overrule Mordechai's choice. Previous chiefs of staff have all served for 4 yrs., but Shahak informed Mordechai in 7/97 that he did not want to return after his 3d yr. ended in 1/98 because he does not like working with Netanyahu. (MM 5/11)

Jordan's General Intelligence Dept. announces arrest of 7 Jordanians, 1 "Arab national" on charges of carrying out 5 bombing in Jordan over the past 2 mos. (MM 5/11; al-Hadath [Amman] 5/11 in WNC 5/12; JT, al-Ra'i 5/11 in WNC 5/13)

Nr. Tyre in s. Lebanon, physical fight breaks out btwn. Hizballah, Amal mbrs., leaving 5 injured. After mtg. on recent clashes (see 5/8), the 2 groups issue a joint statement saying that the incidents were isolated, nonpolitical; they will turn brawlers over to Lebanese authorities, abide by judicial ruling. (RL 5/10 in WNC 5/12)