Palestinian prisoner, Nidal Abu Srour, dies fr. injuries received while in Israeli custody at the Russian Compound jail in Jerusalem. He was arrested without charge 1/16. Death sparks clash btwn. Palestinians, IDF at entrance to Bethlehem, Abu Srour's home town. (LAW 1/30)
In Baalbeck, fmr. Hizballah chief Shaykh Tufayli, 30 armed followers seize Hizballah-run school. Lebanese army storms school, sparking fierce clashes which last past midnight. (MBC, RL, VOL 1/30 in WNC 2/3; VOL 1/30 in WNC 2/4; NYT, WT 1/31; WT 2/1; MEI 2/13)
In Madrid, Secy. of State Albright, Russian FM Primakov discuss Iraq situation. Russia says diplomatic process has only just begun, it is still against military action. Separately, French pres. Chirac says all options shout remain open; Turkey says its bases may not be uses for staging an attack; Jordan says that no country may use its airspace or land to attack Iraq. (ITV 1/30 in WNC 2/3; WT 1/31; al-Ra'i 2/2 in WNC 2/4) (see 1/29)