Friday, July 4, 1997

Unnamed Western, Arab diplomats report that Syria is concentrating 3-4 army divisions at strategic points nr. Israel, including moving the 14th Special Forces Division to the Mount Hermon foothills, the 51st Division e. of Lebanon's Biqa` Valley. Syria says the redeployments are defensive. (WT 7/5)

Jordan announces that it has submitted to the World Bank 58 water sector proposals that would provide Jordan with 676 mcm of additional water fr. 1997 to 2000. (JT 7/5 in WNC 7/8)

IDF bans entry into the PA-controlled enclave of Hebron (H1) to prevent Palestinians fr. outside Hebron fr. entering H1 to take part in demonstrations. (Hatzofe 7/6 in WNC 7/8)

In Nablus, 30,000 Palestinians angered by distribution of anti-Muslim posters in Hebron stage protest, clash with IDF. Demonstrations also continue in Hebron, where the IDF wounds 6 Palestinians with live ammunition, 29 with rubber bullets. Netanyahu accuses Arafat of doing nothing to halt the protests. (NYT, WP, WT 7/5) (see 7/2)

In Ba'albeck, 10,000 Lebanese join the unauthorized "Revolution of the Hungry" demonstration called by fmr. Hizballah chief Shaykh Subhi Tufayli (who split with Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah in protest over Hizballah's decision to participate in the 1992, 1996 elections) to protest the government's economic policies, neglect of the Biqa` region. Lebanese army sends many troops, military police to monitor protesters. No clashes are reported. (MM 7/4; RL, RMC 7/4 in WNC 7/8; al-Safir 7/5 in WNC 7/9; al-Diyar 7/6 in WNC 7/11; MEI 7/11; MM 7/14; MEI 7/25)