At the PA's request, the Arab League calls an emergency session in Cairo to discuss events in Israel, the occupied territories. Mbrs. issue an unusually harsh statement, accusing Israel of bringing the 7/30 violence upon itself. (WP 8/5)
In Amman, Arafat meets with PM Majali, returns to Gaza. (RJ 8/5 in WNC 8/6)
The U.S. urges Israel to practice restraint in dealing with the Palestinians following the 7/30 bombings, not to take security steps (such as withholding tax money) that will undermine the PA. (NYT 8/5; WT 8/6)
In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak meets with Israeli FM Levy, encourages Israel to go ahead with peace talks as the only way to avoid future "terrorism." (MM 8/5; RE 8/5 in WNC 8/6; RJ 8/5, RE 8/6 in WNC 8/7; NYT, WP, WT 8/6; MM 8/8)
IDF arrests 11 more Palestinians, demolishes 3 Palestinian homes nr. Hebron for allegedly being built without a permit; 1 home was built in PA-controlled area B, with a PA permit. (MM 8/5; LAW, NYT 8/6)
IDF shells suspected Hizballah bases in the Biqa` Valley, n. Lebanon, killing 2, wounding 4 Lebanese civilians. (MM 8/5; RL 8/5 in WNC 8/6; NYT 8/6)
In s. Lebanon, a roadside bomb is detonated as a car passes, killing 1 Lebanese civilian. Israel files a complain with ILMG, blaming Hizballah. Hizballah denies the claim. (MM 8/5; Voice of the South 8/5 in WNC 8/6; Voice of the South 8/6 in WNC 8/7)