Thursday, November 28, 1996

PC concludes weekly 2-day session in Ramallah. Talks focus on Jerusalem: PC mbrs. complain that numerous ministries deal with issues related to Jerusalem, but without coordination; ask Waqf's to account for its use of donations to the city fr. diaspora Palestinians; suggest a Jerusalem ministry be established. (PR 12/6)

In Jericho, Jordanian PM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti, Arafat discuss peace process, bilateral ties. (RJ 11/28 in WNC 12/2)

South Africa calls on Israel to withdraw fr. Hebron; to take action to show that it intends to comply with existing peace agmts.; to refrain fr. provocative actions, such as the 9/24 tunnel opening. (South African Press Association 11/28 in WNC 12/2) (see 9/10)

Jewish settlers confiscate 120 acres of Palestinian land around Urtas village nr. Bethlehem. (PR 12/6)