Sunday, September 8, 1996

In London, Secy. of State Christopher meets with Israeli FM Levy to set agenda for PM Netanyahu's mtg. with Pres. Clinton 9/9; encourages Israel to quickly ease closure, redeploy troops in Hebron. (NYT, WT 9/9) (see 9/4)

In Salahudin, n. Iraq, 200 Iraqi Arabs connected to the CIA-supported Iraqi National Congress (INC) appeal to the U.S. for political asylum, after fleeing Irbil 8/31. They say about 100 other INC mbrs. were arrested, apparently executed by Iraqi secret police during the incursion. (WP 9/9, 9/10; MEI 9/20) (see 6/26, 9/5)

4th round of Lebanese elections is held in s. Lebanon district. Voters increasingly complain of election fraud, as progovernment candidates win by wide margins, while Christian, Hizballah opposition mbrs. lose. (RL 9/8 in WNC 9/10; CSM 9/10; RL 9/13 in WNC 9/17)