In Jericho, PISMC meets for the 1st time since Netanyahu's election. (MM 9/9; QY 9/9 in IL 9/9; IDF Radio 9/9 in WNC 9/12; CSM 9/10; WJW 9/12)
In Washington, Israeli PM Netanyahu meets with Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Christopher, Defense Secy. William Perry; rejects U.S. calls for redeployment in Hebron. U.S. urges Israeli to ease up on the Palestinians, issue more workers' visas. (MM 9/9; HA, MA 9/9 in IL 9/9; MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/10; WJW 9/12; MEI 9/20) (see 9/8)
KDP forces allied with Saddam Hussein take control of Sulaymaniyya in n. Iraq, capture key hydroelectric dam, force 1,000s of Kurds to flee toward the Iranian border. U.S. makes clear it has no intention of aiding the 200 INC mbrs. stranded in the Kurdish enclave; says it gave them ample warning of the attack on Irbil, time to evacuate. (MM 9/9; CSM, MM, WP, WT 9/10; MEI 9/20) (see 9/8)