Wednesday, July 17, 1996

PC opens 2-day session in Nablus. (JMCC 7/17 in FBIS 7/18)

500,000 Israelis comply with 1-day general strike called by Histadrut to oppose PM Netanyahu's economic liberalization plans, $1.6-b. budget cut. (MM 7/17; QY 7/17 in FBIS 7/17; NYT 7/18, 7/31) (see 7/1)

Israel's United Kibbutz Movement says it has discussed with the Construction Min. plans to build 4-5 "presettlements" btwn. Gaza, Hebron to alter the demographic balance btwn. Arabs, Jews in that area. (QY 7/17 in FBIS 7/18)

Nr. Hebron, 2 Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel are shot to death by 6 masked men. Villagers claim pair was killed by PSF. (QY 7/17, 7/18 in FBIS 7/18)

Jordanian-Lebanese comm. ends trade talks in Beirut. (JTV 7/17 in FBIS 7/18)

Following the al-Khobar barracks bombing 6/25, U.S. Defense Secy. Perry decides to transfer 4,000 (or 2/3 of) U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia to more remote areas in the Saudi dessert, where they will be more easily protected. (NYT, WP 7/18)