Joint EA, PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. is held in Nablus. (VOP 7/20 in FBIS 7/22)
Israel lodges formal complaint with the PA over the arrest of Israeli Arabs by PA police in the self-rule areas, accuses police of stealing Israeli cars. (QY 7/19 in FBIS 7/19)
Nr. Nablus, more than 100 Palestinians tear down fences, throw stones at settlers who illegally confiscated Palestinian land for Karyut settlement. 10s of settlers attack Palestinians with clubs, destroy Palestinian cars, beat 3 journalists, confiscate film fr. their cameras. IDF fires teargas to break up clash, imposes curfew. (JMCC, QY 7/19 in FBIS 7/22; NYT 7/20)
Palestinian Omar Muhammad Ali Rizaq, who admitted killing 2 passengers (incl. 1 American) during a 1985 hijacking of an Egyptair flight fr. Athens to Malta, is convicted in the U.S. Rizaq was convicted, served 7 yrs. in Malta, and was released by Maltese officials before being arrested by U.S. agents in Nigeria in 1993. He was tried under U.S. antiterrorism statues that permit prosection when Americans are victims. (NYT 7/20)